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Japan 日本
日本是一个由 6852 个岛屿组成的群岛,面积 377,975 平方公里,位于亚洲东部边缘。
五个主要岛屿是:北海道、本州、四国、九州和冲绳。 日本最近的大陆邻国是北部的俄罗斯西伯利亚地区以及更南端的朝鲜和中国。 日本是火环的一部分,几乎五分之四的日本都被山脉覆盖。
日本拥有 1.254 亿人口,是世界上人口第 11 大的国家,也是人口最稠密和城市化程度最高的国家之一。
Japan is an archipelago of 6852 islands covering 377,975 square kilometres, on the eastern edge of Asia.
The five main islands are: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, and Okinawa. Japan's nearest mainland neighbors are the Siberian region of Russia in the north and Korea and China farther south. Japan is a part of the Ring of Fire, and almost four-fifths of Japan is covered with mountains.
Tokyo is the nation’s capital and the largest city, followed by Yokohama, Oska, Nagoya, Sapporo, Fukuoka, Kobe and Kyoto.
Japan has a population of 125.4 million, and it is the eleventh most populous country in the world, as well as one of the most densely populated and urbanised.

-九州 (包括冲绳)
Japan is officially divided into the following eight regions:
-Kyushu (incl. Okinawa)
日本人对山水之美有着深厚的感情。 古老的神道教认为,山脉、瀑布和森林等自然景观有自己的精神,就像灵魂一样。日本的大部分地区都被农村覆盖。温暖的对马海流从南方流入日本海,在那里它遇到来自北方的较冷的海流。 海水的混合使得日本周边海域的鱼类和其他海洋生物非常丰富。
The Japanese people have a deep affection for the beauty of the landscape. The ancient Shinto religion says natural features like mountains, waterfalls, and forests have their own spirits, like souls. Most of Japan is covered by countryside. The warm Tsushima Current flows from the south into the Sea of Japan, where it meets a colder current from the north. The mixing of waters makes the seas around Japan very rich in fish and other sea life.
日本拥有迷人而多面的文化; 一方面,它沉浸在几千年前最深厚的传统中; 另一方面,这是一个处于持续快速变化状态的社会,时尚和时尚不断变化,技术发展不断推开可能的界限。
日本高度精致的传统艺术包括茶道、书法、插花和园艺等形式,以及建筑、绘画和雕塑。 表演艺术的特点是融合了音乐、舞蹈和戏剧,植根于过去的不同时代。
Japan has a fascinating and multifaceted culture; on the one hand it is steeped in the deepest of traditions dating back thousands of years; on the other it is a society in a continual state of rapid flux, with continually shifting fads and fashions and technological development that constantly pushes back the boundaries of the possible.
The highly refined traditional arts of Japan include such forms as the tea ceremony, calligraphy, and ikebana (flower arranging) and gardening, as well as architecture, painting, and sculpture. The performing arts are distinguished by their blending of music, dance, and drama, rooted in different eras of the past.
对于许多来日本的游客来说,食物是重头戏! 日本人在食物方面是很重要很热情的。 出于这个原因,日本的许多城镇首先以其当地特色而闻名,无论是甜食、鱼、面条、海藻还是豆腐等。精心准备和精心呈现是日本料理的关键要素。 食物是一种艺术形式,即使是最简单的菜肴也往往是由经过多年培训的厨师准备的。
For many visitors to Japan, food is the main event! When it comes to food, the Japanese are among the most enthusiastic and passionate of any race. For this reason many towns and cities in Japan are known first and foremost for their local speciality, whether it be a type of sweet, fish, noodle, seaweed or tofu etc. Careful preparation and meticulous presentation are crucial elements of Japanese cuisine. Food is an art form and even the simplest dishes are often prepared by chefs who have trained for many years.
日本在交通基础设施方面投入巨资。 铁路是该国主要的客运方式,允许在主要城市和大都市区内部和之间快速和频繁地访问。 新干线或子弹头列车是连接该国从北海道北部岛屿到九州南部地区的高速列车。
Japan has invested heavily in transportation infrastructure. Railways are the country's main method of passenger transport, allowing fast and frequent access within and between major cities and metropolitan areas. Shinkansen, or bullet trains, are high-speed trains connecting the country from the northern island of Hokkaido to the southern parts of Kyushu.
日本的气候北部寒冷(冬季以冰雪为主),中部地区气候温和,南部小岛几乎为热带气候。 几乎所有地方都降雨充沛,夏季和秋季之间,该国遭受暴雨和台风袭击。 日本的气候受季风环流的影响:冬季受西北冷流的影响,夏季受热带潮湿气流的影响。
4 个季节是:冬季(12 月 - 2 月),春季(3 月 - 5 月),夏季(6 月 - 8 月),秋季(9 月 - 11 月)
The climate of Japan is cold in the north (where snow and ice dominate in winter), temperate in the central regions, and almost tropical on the small southern islands. The rains are abundant almost everywhere, and between summer and autumn the country is hit by torrential rains and typhoons. The climate of Japan is influenced by the monsoon circulation: in winter it's affected by cold currents from the north-west, and in summer by wet and humid currents of tropical origin.
4 Seasons are: Winter (December - February), Spring (March - May), Summer (June - August), Autumn (September - November)
Visiting Japan during different season will give you a complete different taste on what the country has to offer, Spring is extremely popular as it is the time when the cherry blossoms are in bloom.
The Japanese currency is the Yen
Japanese, English