of Singapore
+65 6338 6477
License No.: TA01554
Pancaran, meaning “the beam of light,”
Indra, meaning “our senses”
Pancaran Indra, the beam of our senses.
A mirror can only be functioning as a mirror when it is reflecting its surrounding, otherwise it is meaningless, it’s non-existence. To reflect the true essence of everything, it requires stillness. Just like the surface of water when it’s flat, still and calm, then it will reflect the true essence, the beauty of its surrounding.
Our consciousness is a processor of our senses, it collects the data, interprets them and gives meaning to our experiences based on each of our filters, therefore we all experience things differently. There are different stages of our consciousness, and everything is real at each particular stage of consciousness. There are different stages for any of us to reach to the state where we can at a certain level of consciousness in order to reflect. The first step is to acknowledge our senses. Pancaran Indra, helps to facilitate your experience to be in touch with your senses and hold space for your journey.
Wellness is about making a conscious decision to take action for the purpose of improving our well-being.
Wellness in the form of travel begins with the idea of taking time off to be away from the normal stress of daily living, it allows for greater concentration and focus on the objective of improving personal health and wellbeing.
• 健康饮食和烹饪活动,
• 水疗及按摩护理和疗法,
• 健身活动(瑜伽、普拉提、太极、正念运动和健身课程,
• 自然探险(远足、徒步旅行、皮划艇、划独木舟、单桨冲浪和雪地远足),
• 静修(瑜伽、冥想、阿育吠陀、宗教、数码排毒、冒险)
• 分享将健康习惯融入日常生活的教育计划(环境、绿色生活、身心、摄影、思维导图)。
• 以及回馈社区的志愿体验
Wellness can include:
healthy eating and culinary events,
spa treatments and therapies,
fitness activities (yoga, pilates, tai chi, mindful movement, and gym session),
adventures in nature (such as walking tours, hiking, kayaking, canoeing, strand-up-paddle boarding and snowshoeing),
retreat (yoga, meditation, ayurveda, spiritual, digital detox, adventure)
educational programs (environmental, green living, body and mind, photography, mind mapping) that share ways to incorporate healthy habits into our everyday lives.
and voluntary experiences to give back to the community
• 健康飲食と料理イベント
• スパトリートメント、セラピー
• フィットネス(ヨガ、ストレッチ、太極拳、瞑想、ジムセッション)
• 自然探検(ウオーキングツアー、ハイキング、カヤック、カヌー、パドルボード、スノーシューイング)
• 静養(ヨガ、瞑想、生気養成、宗教、デジタルデトックス、冒険)
• 教育計画(環境、緑色生活、心身、撮影、思考表現)
• 奉仕体験
At Southern Cross International, we work with a community of educators in different fields to best custom design your experiences from small group to corporate event.